Something old,something new…

… Hello all, whilst sorting through some of my own home items and accessories it came to me to write about how to keep some of your old things your starting to get bored of seeing in certain spaces and tell you how you can make them feel new again. This in turn is a more sustainable way of updating your home without wasting, getting rid of things or it being expensive.

We all get bored from time to time and have the urge to change, update and experience new things. If your sick of seeing the same ornaments or accessories in a certain place, try them in a different room and try styling them differently. This in turn will give you a sense of something new in a different area.

Also you can try to upcycle items to complement your new schemes, this vase above was easily and inexpensively brought up to trend by spray painting the bottom area in gold as before it was grey. This was to match gold accents within a living room scheme. It’s amazing what can be changed with a little frog tape, paint and time.
Even painting your picture frames with the same paint as your interior to update them rather than getting rid of them can also work a treat.

Even down to your cushions in your living room, if you feel like a change would your current cushions suit an accent chair in another space of your home? or even your bed and vice versa. Try them in different areas first before buying any new ones.

Mirrors can be expensive, so when you feel like you could do with a new one consider if it can be upcycled in anyway first to match your interior scheme and if not would the mirror suit another area of your home.

When it comes to your larger furniture items these are the big guns, the hardest and most expensive to change. There are soooooo many good furniture paints now days such as frenchic paints also Annie Sloan to name a few, to give your furniture a new lease of life. Bring your furniture up to date in your current scheme by painting it without the expense of buying new.
Wallpapering the back of units and shelves also adds a dramatic twist to upcycling your furniture, like this one below we designed for a living room scheme.

Even adding some throws to your sofas can add a feeling of newness without the expense of buying a new sofa. Throws can complement your current colour schemes and if you do change your colour scheme, throws can easily be changed…not like a sofa.

So I guess the message I’m trying to get across with this blog is, if your going for a change in a space consider if you can reuse something in another room or give it a new lease of life with paint or spray paints. Switch up your cushions before buying new ones and just see if they work elsewhere. Adding inexpensive changes like these I’ve mentioned will make your items last longer and mean more to you if you have put the labour of love into it by upcycling them. Let’s together REDUCE, REUSE and RECYCLE. By making little changes things still feel new again and you have contributed to a more sustainable way of updating your home, which we all need to start doing.

Thank you so much for reading I hope I’ve inspired you to switch up your spaces before buying any new items.

Till next time

Happy Switching and upcycling.

Stacy x


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