A Change is always good


Happy new year all..So it’s 2020!! A new decade… since new year I have seen a lot of posts about new year, new decade, new me etc, which we do see every new year I know… but even for me this new year seems different too.
It feels like it’s an extra fresh start and I for one can’t wait to see what this year brings.
Did you know this is the main time of year people consider change within their lives but also in their homes….

Change can be scary not everyone likes change but in reality it has to happen to all of us good or bad but good change is stepping out of your comfort zones, doing something different that you have always wanted to do. Starting the course you have been wanting to do but talking yourself out of it for too long (like I did for years), Doing something that gets you excited and gets the blood and creativity flowing. It is really good for our wellbeing and happiness.

This time of year the month of January let’s face it it seems like a year long. It’s dark in the morning, dark by the time you leave work! It’s usually cold but it has been a very strangely mild winter so far… where is the snow at?! Anyway so this makes us hibernate in our little castles that we call home.
Whilst we are hibernating watching our favourite Netflix series on loop and finishing the Christmas chocolates (with guilt) because you said you wouldn’t touch it after the 1st… we all seem to notice things that need doing around the house because we are spending so much time inside.
You start looking round thinking that room could do with a refresh, we need more storage, bigger kitchen, broken handles need fixing, marks on the walls in the kids room, with piles of toys you haven’t found room for since the big man came down the chimney and now you don’t like your living room colour scheme.
Well now is the time to start little changes, they don’t always need to be drastic or expensive. Unless your tackling a new extension, kitchen or bathroom then this can be a dent in the wallet so to speak…change can mean just moving some furniture around to make better use of a room and more space or adding a different colour to one or more walls and adding some new throws, rugs or cushions to a room. This in turn will create a feeling of something new and a change that will make you happier.
A simple de clutter of your wardrobe or the kids rooms will make you feel more organised and refreshed.


So start collecting pictures from magazines, social media and the good old Pinterest to start your creative juices flowing and Interior designers are also great to contact “cough, cough” (just saying) if your starting a project and need some good advice. We love to help out when your stuck on the best layout, what colours to go for or which new rug to choose to match with your scheme.


Start looking at paint colours for which room your wanting to tackle, like I said you don’t need to make it expensive (pay day is 258 days away in January) just change somethings and choose colours to complement items you already have so you are re-using perfectly good things and not creating waste.

Interior trends this year will be big on up cycling and reusing home items and furniture, bringing them up to date, which will also save us all some money when we realise some furniture and accessories just need a little tlc to bring them back to life.

Even just adding some new handles to furniture can give it a new lease of life.


Get the kids involved by getting them sorting their toys if you didn’t get round to it before Christmas to make room for the new. Charity shops, pre loved shops, nursery’s and schools all like donations so don’t throw them out. If your children are anything like mine though it may be best to sort it when they are at school because they like to keep everything…

Always be mindful of what can be re used or recycled it really is important think about friends, family And neighbours that have children a similar age you can pass things down to and any furniture people don’t want anymore look if you can up cycle it into the modern world to complement existing interiors.

I hope I have inspired you to start some little or big changes and I hope 2020 is a good one for you all and don’t forget “ Making A change is always good”.
Thank you so much for reading I hope you enjoyed please hit the heart below if you did so I know…I will try not to leave it so long till my next one.
Happy changing

Stacy x

stacy mastroianni